Youth Sports



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We provide both team and individual sports opportunities for kids ages 3-18 (must still be in HS). Our primary goals are to teach kids that recreational sports are inherently competitive but that learning the fundamentals of the sport, displaying the qualities of good sportsmanship, participation and having fun, are the most important aspects of any sport.

In 2011, the Cherry Point Youth Sports was awarded the National Alliance for Youth Sports “Excellence in Youth Sports Award,” given annually to the top five youth sports NAYS organizations worldwide.

  • Register Online. Please check this link after registration for your sport has opened.

Start Smart Sports Development Program

Start Smart Sports Development programs for 3-5 year olds were created by the National Alliance for Youth Sports to help kids get ready for sports and succeed in life. It is an innovative step by step approach that builds confidence and self-esteem in a fun and safe environment. The program involves parents in the teaching process and offers them teaching techniques and drills to use at home with their child. Additionally, each child receives and keeps gear for each sport as well as a t-shirt and a manual for the parents. NOTE: Child must be 3 by the date of the first practice.

Start Smart Sports & Schedule
April Soccer Session 1 $65 includes parent manual, soft soccer ball, size 3 soccer ball, shin guards, 4 cones
May Baseball $65 includes parent manual, glove, 2 koosh balls, bat and ball set
August Soccer Session 2 $65 includes parent manual, soft soccer ball, size 3 soccer ball, shin guards, 4 cones
September Football $55 includes parent manual, football, kicking tee, 4 cones, flag belt
October Basketball $65 includes parent manual, basketball, Teslon basketball, 4 cones, scrimmage vest


League Play: We offer team play in four age groups: 7-9 Coed, 10-12 Coed, and 13-14 Boys. Age group determined by child’s age on December 31. Teams in the 7-9 and 10-12 age groups play against each other, while the 13-14 age group team plays teams from the surrounding area.

League Play Schedule
October-November Registration, Evaluations & Team Assignments $70 includes jersey and shorts
November-December Practices - 2 days per week for 1 hour  
January-February Regular Season Play  


Rookies Basketball: This instructional program is open to 5 & 6 year olds. There are six, one hour long sessions.

Rookies Basketball Schedule
October-November Registration $35 fee includes basketball and jersey
December-January Saturday practices for 1 ho  


Basketball Camps: Basketball camps are designed for young folks who are beginners all the way to those playing at an intermediate level. Emphasis is placed on improving in all aspects of the fundamentals of the game.

Basketball Camp Schedule
Summer 7-12 Coed Camp $25


This is a non-competitive program with participants cheering for youth basketball games on Saturdays. Open to kids ages 6 and up. Child’s age group determined by their age on December 31.

Cheer Schedule
October-November Registration $70 includes uniforms and poms, ages 6 and up
November-December Practices 2 days a week for 1 hour
January-February Game Season  


Cheer Camp
July Registration $55 for ages 5 and up. 2-week long competitive-style camp Monday-Friday


Tee Level: Hook a Kid on Golf: This kids instructional program is for 8-15 year olds who have never played the game of golf or have played very little. Sessions run Monday through Thursday mornings from 7-10:30am. On Fridays, parents join their child (at no additional cost) to play a modified 5 hole course with assistance from the pro.

Tee Level Golf Schedule
June Session 1 $180 includes clubs, shirt, hat and a golf goodie bag. $90 if child brings their own clubs
July Session 2 $180 includes clubs, shirt, hat and a golf goodie bag. $90 if child brings their own clubs


Green Level Golf Clinics: Hook a Kid on Golf: Hook a Kid on Golf is a follow-up program to the HAK Tee Level Clinics and is open to the same 8-15 year olds. Participants should have completed the Tee Level clinics or have experience playing golf. 5:00pm-6:30pm Monday – Thursday.

Green Level Golf Schedule
September Session 1 $40 includes professional instruction


Family Golf Clinics: Family Golf Clinics are one hour long clinics that focus on either the long game or short game. Kids must be at least 6 years of age to participate and must have an adult family member participate with them.

Family Golf Clinics Schedule
Early Spring Short Games Fees to be determined
Early Spring Long Games Fees to be determined


Golf Team: Cherry Point is a member of the Eastern North Carolina Junior Golf League’s Division A, which includes area golf courses in Carteret and Craven counties. Members of the Cherry Point teams practice at the Sound of Freedom Golf Course at no charge during the season and are coached by PGA pro Jim Ferree. Age group determined by the youth’s age on June 1. We offer boys and girls teams that compete in six different age groups: Girls – 11 & under, 12-13, 14-18; Boys – 11 & under, 12-13, 14-15, 16-18.

Golf Team Schedule
April-May Registration $70 Fee includes team shirt
May-June Parents Meeting May 5 & Practices  
June-August Regular Season Play & League Finals  
League Finals


Golf Tournaments & Special Events: We offer tournaments during the year with juniors normally placed in one of three age groups – Girls 8-12 & 13-18; Boys 8-10, 11-13 & 14-18 (18 yr olds must still be in high school).

Golf Special Event Schedule
Spring Parent/Child Par 3 Super Ball Fee to be determined
Fall Parent/Child Par 3 Super Ball Fee to be determined


Rookies Soccer: This instructional program is open to 5 & 6 year olds. Clinics meet for one hour each Wednesday evening for six weeks. NOTE: Participants must be 5 by start of clinic.

Rookies Soccer Schedule
March-April Registration $35 includes soccer ball and shirt
April Program Begins  


Challenger Soccer Camp: June 9-12, 2025. Week-long summer soccer camp for all ages and ability levels with international and professional staff.

Challenger International Soccer Camp Age Groups

TinyTykes (3-5 yr olds)

4-4:45 pm


Half Day (6-14 yr olds)

5-8 pm


Contact Information and Resources
Youth Sports

Phone: 2524665493

Hours of operation:

Hours vary
Resource Links

Volunteers Wanted!

Make an impact on a young person’s life through coaching. Successful candidates have:

  • A basic knowledge of the sport
  • A desire to teach
  • A willingness to commit the time it takes to do a good job
  • A love of children

We provide the needed training for the sport through the National Youth Sports Coaching Association. Stop by the Youth Sports Office in the Cherry Tree House and complete our coaching application package today.

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