Military Aquatics



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AMP-IT Information


AMP-IT (Aquatic Maximum Power Intensity Training) is the water version of the Marine Corps HITT (High Intensity Tactical Training) program. It’s not just another water aerobics class. Because of the constant motion and resistance, AMP-IT provides a strenuous workout.

The AMP-IT workout encompasses a variety of high intensity activities designed to:

Increase strength, cardiovascular endurance and lung capacity, helping to improve PFT scores.
Reduce the risk of injury, facilitate recovery and decrease recovery time.
Be as challenging as on-land PT.

AMP-IT reduces stress on joints and bones making it accessible to injured Marines and Marines on light or limited duty in addition to Marines who wish to continue to train with their unit.

AMP-IT Background

Aquatics Maximum Power Intense Training (AMP-IT) is a water-based program designed for unit physical training. The amphibious partner of High Intensity Tactical Training, it is a program designed to challenge all participants. It is flexible and adaptable for those on light or limited duty, or those who have musculoskeletal injuries.

This unit-lead or group exercise program is designed to be as challenging as on-land PT, with the added bonus of being more accessible to all, including those Marines who have sustained injuries. It’s easier on joints and bones, but just as challenging and beneficial as the most intense on-land workout. Exercising in the water helps to increase strength and lung capacity, which in turn can significantly improve endurance during on-land PT, improving PFT scores.

The program puts all participants on the same level, unlike unit PT runs where the fastest Marines aren’t challenged and the slowest are unable to keep up. With AMP-IT, Marines can work at their own pace while still reaping the benefits. Another great advantage compared to on-land unit PT is the reduced stress on muscles and joints. Aquatic exercise not only reduces the risk of injury, but also facilitates recovery and decreases recovery time.

Swim Skills Survival Training (S3T)

Swim Survival Skills Training

Swim Survival Skills Training (S3T) is a Marine-centric, logically progressive swimming skill curriculum specifically designed to increase Marines’ familiarity with the water environment, improve water survival qualification success rates, and reduce accidental drownings. This training includes aquatic skills for a Marine to achieve their completion in basic, intermediate, and advanced water survival levels.  

This training is open exclusively to active duty service members. Dependents and civilian personnel are not eligible to participate.

  • Basic Class
    • Mondays and Wednesdays
    • 0600-0700
    • Mainside Pool
    • March 31, April 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23
    • Focuses on building water competence, improving foundational swimming skills, and boosting confidence in the water.
  • Intermediate Class
    • Tuesdays and Thursdays
    • 0600-0700
    • Mainside Pool
    • Apr 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24
    • Emphasizes endurance, stroke refinement, and mastery of the four survival strokes.

Register HERE by Mar. 26

Swim Qualifications & Unit PT

Swim Qualification and Unit PT

Military personnel may schedule SWIM QUALIFICATIONS at Mainside pool Monday-Friday between the hours of 0730-1030. To reserve training during this time, units must contact Range scheduling at 252-466-4041. Units must then e-mail a calendar invite including their “5 W’s” to MCCS Aquatics ( and the 2ndMAW G3 ( with a subject line of “Scheduling Mainside Pool for MCIWS use (date 0730-1030)”. After reserving a time slot and ensuring all required personnel and safety equipment is obtained, units must then submit a signed copy of the MCIWS SOP to MCCS Semper Fit Aquatics 48 hours prior to reservation.

Military personnel may schedule UNIT PT sessions during MCCS time, Monday-Friday between the hours of 1300-1700 at Mainside pool. AMPIT, SKWIM, and Water Polo equipment is available for use. To reserve training during this time units must call the Aquatics office 24 hours prior to reservation. Reservations for unit PT sessions are not available during MCCS lap swim time.

MCCS provides LAP SWIM time for all authorized patrons at Mainside pool Monday-Friday from 0530-0700 & 1100-1300. Units are authorized to utilize the pool for physical training during this time. Reservations are not required, however if your group has more than 50 personnel, please contact the Aquatics office.

Military training that includes the use of weighted objects, such as a 10 lb. brick, the use of a rubber rifle, or the practice of hyperventilation is not allowed during MCCS lap swim or recreational swim times. (Exception: MCIWS are authorized to assist an Advanced Water Survival (AWS) candidate during MCCS lap swim time. Events allowed: sidestroke holding dive brick above water and 25 yd underwater swim without hyperventilating. Candidate is not authorized to practice these events without the presence of a certified MCIWS).

If a unit or individual is doing physical training, they are allowed to wear their “cammies” and an empty backpack in the pool. They may also wear their green workout attire. During MCCS time, they are not allowed to wear boots or carry a rubber rifle.

Active Duty Swim Instruction: Looking to develop, improve, and refine basic aquatic skills and swimming strokes? Swim lessons are offered at no cost for active duty personnel. Active Duty should contact the Aquatics office to enroll in our adult swim lesson program.

Call the Aquatics Office at 252-466-2510 for more information.

Contact Information and Resources
Aquatics Office

Phone: 2524662510

Hours of operation:

Monday 0730-1630
Tuesday 0730-1630
Wednesday 0730-1630
Thursday 0730-1630
Friday 0730-1630
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
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