Testing Services



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We provide a variety of options to help you advance your career and education. The Cherry Point Testing Center along with the Craven Community College National Testing Center allows you to turn your experience into college credits and take college entrance exams, military classification testing, career testing or other adult-education tests.

Testing services are restricted to authorized base personnel only – active/reserve military, military spouses and retirees, DoD and NAF personnel, and individuals attending on base classes.

The Cherry Point Testing Center offers Military Classification Testing, DANTES Testing, exam proctoring, Pearson VUE and eCLEPs and eDSSTs (in partnership with Craven Community College). To schedule an exam or learn more, please visit the Education Program office located in the Training & Education building, or call 252-466-3500.

Testing Services & Descriptions

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

  • A group of standardized tests that assess college-level knowledge in several subject areas. CLEP offers students the opportunity to demonstrate their proficiency in subject areas and bypass undergraduate coursework. College credit is awarded to students who meet the college’s minimum qualifying score for that exam.  Click for printable Test Registration Form.

DANTES Subject Standardized Test® (DSST)

  • Similar to CLEP, DSST gives students the opportunity to receive college credit for what they already know by earning qualifying scores on examinations.  Click for printable Test Registration Form.

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

  • A standardized test that is an admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States.

Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT/ASVAB)

  • A multiple choice test, administered by the United States Military Entrance Processing Command, used to determine qualification for enlistment in the United States armed forces.  Click for printable USMC Test Registration Form.  Click for printable NAVY Test Registration Form.

Aviation Selection Test Battery (ASTB)

  • One criterion used in making selection determinations for officer aviation program applicants.  Click for printable Registration Form.

Defense Language Aptitude Battery Test (DLAB)

  • A test used by the United States Department of Defense to test an individual’s potential for learning a foreign language.  Click for printable Registration Form.

Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT)

  • A battery of foreign language tests produced by the Defense Language Institute and used by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). The tests are intended to assess the general language proficiency of native English speakers in a specific foreign language, in the skills of reading and listening.  Click for printable Registration Form.

Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE)

  • This test measures an individual’s knowledge of math, reading, language, and spelling. This test is used to qualify an active duty member with an ASVAB GT score of 99 or below for tuition assistance, as well as the Military Academic Skills Program (MASP).  Click for printable Test Registration Form.

Pearson VUE Testing Program

  • Pearson VUE offers hundreds of professional credentials that can help you advance professionally, increase your earning potential, and give you a competitive edge. The Education Program, in partnership with Craven Community College, is an authorized Pearson VUE Testing Center. Exams are computer-based and lead to certifications for leading industry career pathways. Take advantage of this free service by visiting the Training & Education building, or call 252-466-5196. For further information, visit Pearson VUE

Proctoring Services

  • We offer FREE proctoring by appointment only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Call 252-466-3500 to schedule an appointment.

Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC)

  • The Mid-level Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) exam and the Certified Logistics Associate (CLA) exam are designed to identify trained and certified personnel for the manufacturing, supply chain and logistics occupations.


FAA Airman

  • Knowledge testing for all Federal Aviation administration exams are only available to eligible individuals within the following groups: Active-duty, cadets (service academy), guard, and reserve component personnel of the United States (U.S.) Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force • Dependents (i.e., spouse, child) of active-duty, guard, and reserve component personnel of the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and Space Force • Department of Defense (DoD) civilians • Department of Homeland Security (DHS) civilians (including U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliarists, with base access*) • Prior U.S. military members, including retirees and veterans (with base access*) • Dependents of U.S. military retirees (i.e., spouse, child) (with base access*). Anyone who does not fall under the covered groups in the agreement may NOT take their knowledge test at a JSAMTCC testing center regardless if they had a sponsor granting base access. Use this form to schedule an appointment.
Contact Information and Resources
Education Office

Phone: 2524663500

Hours of operation:

Monday 0700-1600
Tuesday 0700-1600
Wednesday 0700-1600
Thursday 0700-1600
Friday 0700-1600
Saturday closed
Sunday closed


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