Unit Briefs



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Our counseling and prevention program promotes awareness and prevention of family violence, as well as other issues, by providing briefs to units. Briefs can also be specialized, based on the command’s availability, requested topics, or preferred training method (with or without PP). Our prevention specialist will provide briefs to groups ranging is size from 5 to over 1000 participants.

Call 466-3264 for further information or to schedule a brief for your unit.

Sexual Assault Awareness

This class provides in depth information regarding sexual assault and bystander intervention. The class focuses on the definitions of sexual assault and consent paired with prevention and intervention strategies. Some statistics are offered within the training but the main focus is on prevention and intervention. The “if you see something, do something approach”.

Child Abuse

This class provides the Marine Corps definitions of child abuse and neglect identification, reporting and prevention. Information on discipline and on policies specific to Cherry Point, are provided. Identification and reporting of abuse is explained, as well as a discussion of inappropriate discipline. Resources for further information and assistance are provided.

Spouse Abuse

This class examines physical, emotional, sexual and verbal abuse in relationships. Power and control in relationships is discussed, as well as indicators in abusive relationships. Resources for further information and assistance are provided.

Stress Management

 This class examines the causes and impact of stress. Emphasis is placed on the serious health problems that present with chronic stress. The class provides specific examples of how to manage stress in a healthier manner and how to eliminate negative coping techniques.

Marine & Family Programs and Resources

This short class describes in detail the many programs and services available through M&FP, such as family counseling, financial counseling and relocation assistance.

Substance Abuse Counseling

The Substance Abuse Counseling Center provides both out-patient and intensive out-patient treatment. Treatment includes case management (to include referrals to inpatient care if needed), counseling, treatment planning and aftercare/continuing care. Treatment is abstinent based, uses an individualized continuum of care approach and is coupled with emphasis on personal responsibility and twelve-Step Self-Help Programs. Treatment is offered to military personnel, retirees and military family members 18 years of age and older. All treatment services are based on the individuals’ needs and have a variable length of stay.

R.A.C.E: Suicide Prevention Training Class

R.A.C.E Training is used to supplement the Suicide Prevention Officer Training. The real goal of suicide prevention is to get through to individuals thinking about suicide, before an attempt is ever made. Empowering the public and bystanders to take action when someone’s in distress and knowing what to do in the situation, is the goal of the Recognize, Act, Care and Escort Program. Students learn how to recognize the signs of the problem and how to fix it. Gaining a better understanding of the problem and learning what tools and resources are available, can help save lives. This free workshop is open to all military members and their family members, as well as DOD employess. Please call 252-466-3204 to register.

Incident Determination Committee Training

The purpose of the IDC is to decide which referrals for suspected child abuse or unrestricted domestic abuse meet the DOD criteria for abuse, in accordance with MCO 1754.11 (Subj: Marine Corps Advocacy and General Counseling Program), which would require entry into the FAP Central Registry.

The Behavioral Health Branch of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is offering one day Incident Determination Committee (IDC) training. The training is targeted to all Unit/Squadron Commanding Officers, Family Advocacy Officers (FAO’s), Sergeants Major, as well as those who will serve as the Alternate FAO (IDC Representatives for the unit/squadron). The Alternate FAOs are required to be equivalent in rank to the Executive Officer (XO) or Primary FAO (the primary FAO shall be no less than one rank below that of the Commanding Officer).

The Family Advocacy Program Manager (FAPM) shall ensure all IDC members and alternate members, including non-core IDC members, are trained on IDC procedures and DOD definitions of child abuse and domestic abuse, prior to voting at an IDC, as well as annually.

Call 466-3204 or 466-3264 to register for these classes.

Domestic Violence Awareness

Recommended for Service members with anger problems that impact their relationships and may have brought about court involvement or other serious consequences. The program encourages participants to take responsibility for their actions and focuses on confronting denial and blaming behavior.
Contact Information and Resources
Behavioral Health Counseling & Prevention

Phone: 2524663264

Domestic Violence 24/7 Response Line: 2526710377

Family Advocacy Program:: 2524663264

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 8779955247

Sexual Assault Victim Advocate Response:: 2526654713

Veterans Crisis Line: 8002738255 Ext: 1

Hours of operation:

Monday 0730-1630
Tuesday 0730-1630 / after hours by appointment
Wednesday 0730-1630 / after hours by appointment
Thursday 0730-1630
Friday 0730-1630
Saturday closed
Sunday closed
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