Holiday Hours Update
(13 Feb 25) - MCCS updated hours of operation for the Presidents Day holiday.
Are You Ready to Conquer the CFT?
Combat Fitness Training for the Combat Fitness Test (CFT) season is here.
What is injury prevention
Injury prevention is defined as activities to prevent, ameliorate, treat, and/or reduce injury-re...
Health, Wellness, and Performance
Health, Wellness, and Performance is a conceptual framework used to align resources to optimize w...
Physical Education at Home
Summer is usually the time for outdoor experiences shared with friends. With the closure of schoo...
HITT 2019 Championship Winners Announced
This year's High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) Championship event has concluded, and the cha...
Healthy at Home
The uncertainty of our world at the moment can be overwhelming and chaotic. Whether you’re in the...
Agility Skills in HITT
Agility is one of the primary movement components in HITT, and key to reducing the risks for inju...
How Proper Stretching Can Maximize Your Workout Routine
Stretching before and after your workout may be the most underrated part of your routine. But str...
HITT Athletes Rehydrate with Pedialyte
Pedialyte® is a proud sponsor of the 2017 High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) Championship to...
Calling All Athletes: Compete in the High Intensity Tactical Training Championship
The Marine Corps is looking for its next High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) champion — could...
How to Be the Ultimate HITT Champion
The third annual High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) Championship will soon be underway. From...
Are You Ready for the 2016 HITT Championship?
It’s that time of year again as Marine Corps officials finalize preparations for the Second Annua...