LinkedIn Courses Launch Marine Corps-wide!

LinkedIn Courses Launch Marine Corps-wide!

Knowing how to network effectively with social media is a necessity in the 21st century civilian job search. To support Marines and their families, two new courses will be available soon at your installation: LinkedIn Basics and Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Job Search.

LinkedIn Basics is a 90 minute course designed for job seekers who don’t yet have LinkedIn profiles or are brand new to the platform. In the course, participants will:

and will learn how to:

  • search for and follow company pages
  • search for and join groups
  • browse for jobs on LinkedIn through guided practical application

There is no pre-work or prerequisite for LinkedIn Basics.

Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Job Search is a four hour workshop designed to guide job seekers to create complete and compelling LinkedIn profiles. In this workshop, participants will:

and will learn more about:

  • giving and receiving endorsements and recommendations
  • sequencing profile content
  • becoming active on LinkedIn by following company pages
  • joining groups
  • connecting with other course participants

After the main demonstration participants will have time to refine their LinkedIn profiles with staff available to provide guidance and assistance. Participants maximize their time in the course when they come to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Your Job Search with an existing LinkedIn profile and a master resume (or similar document).

If you’re ready to start building your LinkedIn presence today, check out these related articles.

Still searching for more in-depth assistance with using LinkedIn effectively?  Contact your installation’s Transition Readiness and Family Member Employment Assistance staff. While you’re at it, follow Marine For Life on LinkedIn to learn more about networking.

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