For Your Peace of Mind and Safety: Expedited Transfers and MPOs
A Marine who files an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault may request an expedited transfer, including inter-unit transfer, unit transfer, and Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA). The intent is to assist in the victim’s recovery by moving the victim to a new location.
Requesting an Expedited Transfer
To request an expedited transfer, victims who file an Unrestricted Report must submit a written request to their commanding officer (CO), including three geographic location preferences. The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) and Uniformed Victim Advocate (UVA) will assist with this process.
Reminder: A presumption is established in favor of transferring a Marine who submits a request to transfer following a credible Unrestricted Report of sexual assault. The final decision rests with the CO.
To protect the victim’s confidentiality, as few people as possible should know about the assault and request for transfer. The point of contact indicated on the transfer should be someone who is already involved in the process (e.g., SARC or UVA). The reason for the request should not be given.
Decision within 72 Hours of Receipt
In consultation with the supporting Staff Judge Advocate (SJA), the CO will approve or disapprove a request for transfer within 72 hours of receiving a signed and dated transfer request. The CO will consider a number of factors, including:
- Marine's reasons for the request
- Potential transfer of the alleged offender instead of the Marine (MARADMIN 031/14), and
- Nature and circumstances of the offense, to name just a few.
If the Marine's request for a PCA or PCS is approved, the CO will immediately forward the approved request to HQMC SAPR. A Marine may decide not to proceed with the request by withdrawing it in writing.
If the request is not approved, the CO forwards the disapproval to HQMC SAPR, as well. The Marine is given an opportunity to request in writing a review by the first general or flag officer in the chain of command, or a Senior Executive Service equivalent (if applicable). The first general or flag officer's decision to approve or disapprove must be made within 72 hours.
Getting a Military Protective Order (MPO)
A sexual assault victim who files an Unrestricted Report may request an MPO.
An MPO (DD Form 2873) is a written order that can direct a Service member to refrain from contacting or communicating with the person on the order, either directly or through a third party. This can include limitations or prohibitions on face-to-face contact, telephone contact, or written communication by letter, data fax, electronic mail, or other forms of communication.
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