M4L Network Success Story: Las Vegas Rep Helps Marines Gain Employment with Local FedEx Contractor
As an active-duty Marine transitioning into the reserves and relocating to Las Vegas, Nevada, Jeremey Quintana found a job with S.S. Walkins Inc., a FedEx contractor. Jeremy worked with FedEx for several years, which allowed him to build professional relationships with valuable employment contacts. Eventually, he pursued a career in law enforcement but kept a positive relationship with his former employer. While still in the Marine Corps Reserves, Jeremy would become a Marine for Life Network (M4L) Representative for Las Vegas, Nevada. M4L Representatives help connect transitioning Marines, Sailors, and family members to veteran-friendly opportunities and resources all around the country.
While working in this new billet, Jeremy discovered that some Marines transitioning out of the military and relocating to Las Vegas found themselves in need of quick employment. One Marine, Cpl Grant Fults, already had a job lined up in Las Vegas but lost it due to the pandemic and struggled to provide for his family. Three weeks after speaking with Jeremy, Cpl Fults was hired at FedEx and connected with the M4L Network.
S.S. Walkins Inc. has hired over five Marines to facilitate the needs of FedEx’s busy operations through networking with the Marine for Life Network. Without the power of networking and reaching out to a M4L Representative, some of these Marines may still be seeking employment today.
Still searching for more in-depth assistance with networking or transition assistance? Contact your installation’s Transition Readiness staff and join the Marine for Life Network by completing the form. You can also follow the Marine for Life Network on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.