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Purchase Requirements

All Firearms

  • Handguns and lower receivers: Must be at least 21 years of age
  • Long guns: Must be at least 18 years of age
  • North Carolina resident with proof of residency, or military on permanent station orders
  • Valid North Carolina concealed carry permit (unlimited firearms) - OR - pass NICS background check


  • Rifle/shotgun ammunition: Must be at least 18 years of age
  • Pistol ammunition: Must be at least 21 years of age
  • Government issued ID showing photo, name, and date of birth

No returns on firearms or ammunition

All special orders must be approved by our firearms management prior to being ordered.

The firearms department will contact our vendors to see who has the weapon(s) or accessories you are looking for if they have them available. If available, we will give you the price. If you still want to purchase the weapon or accessory, you will need to come into the firearms department and pay for the weapon or accessory IN FULL. Once it is paid for, we will order the weapon or accessory for you.

Before a ‘Special Order’ can be placed with the firearms fepartment, you must physically have in your possession either a current North Carolina Concealed Carry Permit, or an NICS background check must be completed prior to the order being made.

All transfers and special orders must be approved by our firearms management prior to being ordered. All unauthorized transfers will be refused and sent back to the shipper. To have a weapon transferred in, you must first have all the following and fill out the MCX transfer form:

  • Business name where purchase was made. (Must be authorized FFL business dealer)
  • Point of contact at business where purchase was made
  • Phone number of business
  • Address of business
  • Physically have in your possession either a current North Carolina Concealed Carry Permit, or a NICS background check must be completed

NOTE: The firearms department CANNOT legally relinquish a firearm to anyone in the state of North Carolina without a North Carolina Concealed Carry Permit or a NICS background check being completed. THIS IS NORTH CAROLINA STATE LAW.

Once everything is legally verified, the Firearms Department will make arrangements with the business to get your weapon shipped here. Once it arrives, the firearms department will process the weapon and notify you that it is ready for pick up. You will need to come in and fill out the ATF paperwork (Form 4473) and pay the $25 transfer fee before the weapon will be relinquished to you. 

Unit transfers are conducted between a Commanding Officer of a unit and a gun manufacturer. (We can provide COs with our gun manufacturer reps if they need assistance).

The COs and manufacturer would arrange for payment of the weapons, NOT THE FIREARMS DEPARTMENT. The firearms department will then act as a holding facility for the weapons. Once the weapons arrive at our department, we will process them and let the unit CO/POC know when they are available for pick up.

Before a weapon can be picked up, every individual that purchased a weapon would have to meet the state of North Carolina firearms laws as well as Federal firearms laws to be able to pick up their weapon. You would have to provide us with either a current North Carolina Concealed Carry Permit or a NICS background check must be completed. You are required to fill out the ATF paperwork (Form 4473) and you would also pay a $25 transfer fee for each weapon to be processed and relinquished.

Special orders may take up to 30 days. Transfer forms are available at the firearms counter.


Contact Information and Resources

Phone: 2527207329

Hours of operation:

Monday 1000-1730
Tuesday 1000-1730
Wednesday 1000-1730
Thursday 1000-1730
Friday 1000-1730
Saturday 1000-1630
Sunday closed

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