Want to be an All Marine Sports Athlete?
The Marine Corps seeking applications from Marines interested in participating in the 2022 the following sports:
- Men’s Softball
- Men’s and Women’s Golf
- Men’s Sevens Rugby
- Men’sBasketball
- Men’s Basketball
- All - Marine Running
- Women's Sevens Rugby
- Women's Soccer
To learn more about more about the application requirement for the each sport, click on the sport(s) of interest above, and read the MARADMIN.
The All-Marine Sports application can be accessed via the Semper Fit All-Marine Sports webpage. All submissions for runners are due to HQMC Semper Fit no later than 10 April 2022.
For more information, visit the Semper Fit All-Marine Sports webpage. For questions or to submit an application, email OMBMCCSSportsApplications@usmc-mccs.org.