Marine Corps Instructor of Water Survival Course

Youth Fitness (Ages 5-6)


Monday, July 10, 2023 - Friday, July 28, 2023


7:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Training Tank
Building 1508
5th Street
Twenytnine Palms, California 92278


Phone: 7608306212 Email:

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Marine Corps Instructor of Water Survival Course

Became a Marine Corps Instructor of Water Survival. Take the three-week MCIWS Course in water rescue, swim instruction, combat rescue, timed swims and much more.

Screenings are being offered to Marines looking to attend the course on: June 15, 22, 29 and July 7 at 7 - 8am

To attend you must:

  • Be screened or recommend by a MCIWS/ MCITWS
  • Be the grade of E-3 or above.
  • Have 1st Class PFT

Screening includes:

  • Continuously swim 500m utilizing any of the survival strokes in a time limit of 13 minutes or less.
  • After executing a feet first entry, swim 25m underwater without breaking surface.
  • Utilizing a side stroke swim 50m while carrying a 10lb rubber dive brick.
  • In 40 seconds or less, perform a feet first entry, swim 20m, perform feet first surface dive and retrieve a 10lb brick (minimum 10ft) with both hands and return to the surface maintaining both hands on the brick. The Brick tow must be completed in 40 seconds or less.
  • Complete two-minute tread while keeping your hands under your armpits.


Pre-registration is required at the Training Tank.

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